Registration Fees
U8 to U16 – $235* per season.
U19 to U23 – $205* per season – fees for these age groups are lower as the teams don't train. Each team is still assigned a coach for the season.
*season fees are subject to increase
​​Our club is run entirely by volunteers and our fee structure is competitively priced to ensure we only charge what is required for the running of the club, meaning we do not profit from our fees. The fees are calculated to include the following:
Team Registration Fees (payable to Knox Basketball Inc.)
Weekly Team Sheet Fees (payable to Knox Basketball Inc.)
Training venue hire costs
Coach education/certification
Coaches bags and training equipment
Presentation events and trophies
Any profit made by the club is reinvested into the development of our players through equipment to ensure they get the best out of their basketball.
Uniform Costs
Singlet Price – $45
Shorts Price – $45
Game Entry Fees
Saturday Games
Entry fee to games is $3.50 for all players and spectators over 5 years of age
Sunday Games
Entry fee to games is $3.50 for all over 14 years of age
Please note that the entry fee is only payable once per person per day. A stamp (located at the cashier) is to be applied to your hand and then shown to gain entry at other venues.​
When a team cannot field the minimum number of four players take the court the club is required to pay the following fees to Knox Basketball:
Notified Walkover – $50
Un-notified – $75​
The cut-off times for notifying Knox Basketball of a walkover are:
Thursday 4pm for a Saturday game
Friday 4pm for a Sunday game